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Fidel Portfolio: The Twilight of an Era

El 25 de noviembre de 2016 murió a los noventa años Fidel Castro Ruz, el líder histórico de la revolución cubana. El gobierno de la isla decretó nueve días de luto nacional, y creó un pequeño pedestal con las cenizas del exmandatario en la Plaza de la República, ubicada en La Habana. En los días posteriores, llegaron cientos de miles de personas para despedirse del “Comandante Fidel”…

Not without us

On September 19th, 2017, an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 ML (seismological scale of magnitude of movement) shook the central zone of Mexico; it left a balance of 369 people dead, more than 7 thousand injured, and economic losses close to 8 billion dollars and thousands of families homeless due to collapses and structural damage to hundreds of homes and buildings.


Juanito has died. His little body lies stretched out as if he were just asleep, listening to a lullaby, perhaps dreaming like children his age (five years) do, but he is not; Juanito, in fact, died in agony for the last hours of his life. Before burying him, his family organized a funeral as humble as his way of life: prayers, wind music and a little of rum during the last night of his physical body between them.

The Liquid Border

The Suchiate River becomes the liquid border: Mexico is divided here from Guatemala, at least politically and geographically. Here, at this point, which has become an obligatory passage for thousands of Central American and Caribbean migrants in search of the American dream, not only an imaginary strip is crossed, but also a subtle line between socioeconomic concepts “North” and “South”.

Ora et Labora

La Rinconada (Peru) is the highest village in the world where, thirty years ago, thousands of people, seduced by the 20th Century gold rush, settled on this 5200 meters above sea level landscape to extract gold under a glacier in the Andes. This town lives on illegal mining, so the inhabitants, not only have to work in extreme physical and natural conditions, but also with very poor labor and social conditions.